Podcast as Code

Podcast as Code@podcast_as_code


2023 episodes (10)

9: Who Needs Servers Anyway?
Ep. 09

9: Who Needs Servers Anyway?

Is serverless the next big breakthrough or just a buzzword? Gabe and Mitchell discuss various serverless technologies and weigh in on if the “K” in Knative should be silent. Main Topic Pizza as a Service 2.0 AWS Lambda Google Cloud Functions Google Cloud Run Azure Functions Knative

8: Batten Down the Hatches
Ep. 08

8: Batten Down the Hatches

If you’ve ever felt nervous about hosting a website, this episode is for you. Join Gabe and Mitchell as they discuss securing Kubernetes and other security automation. Current Events Post Mortem on Cloudflare Control Plane and Analytics Outage Main Topic Network Policy Editor Cilium Hubble CodeQL Dependabot Renovate Bot Kubernetes Security Context

7: Back that SaaS Up!
Ep. 07

7: Back that SaaS Up!

Do you have a plan for when your cloud provider sets your region’s batteries on fire? Join Gabe and Mitchell as they discuss Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. Current Events Raspberry Pi 5 Announced Main Topic Chaos Monkey Borgmatic Borgbase rsync.net Velero Gitea

6: The Website is Down
Ep. 06

6: The Website is Down

Don’t panic! The website may be down, but bringing it back up is only half the battle. Gabe and Mitchell discuss how they troubleshoot outages and more importantly, how they conduct post-mortems to prevent issues from happening again. Current Events Unity Runtime Fees Unity Walk-Back Main Topic The Website is Down video from 2009 How to Run a Blameless Post-Mortem Atlassian Post-Mortem Template

5: Who Will Build the Builders?
Ep. 05

5: Who Will Build the Builders?

How do you build the finest handcrafted artisanal software? With robots of course! Gabe and Mitchell discuss build automation from Docker to GoLang to other wild things they’ve done with CI pipelines. Current Events OpenTF Repository Main Topic GitHub Actions Runner Controller GitHub Action for Docker Builds Kaniko GoReleaser Renovate GitHub Action to Deploy to Pages YAMPL Authenticating into cloud providers from GitHub without keys Upptime (Monitoring via GitHub Actions) Mitchell’s Crazy DNS Actions named-checkzone bind-deploy

4: That Time We Did a Thing for a Bank
Ep. 04

4: That Time We Did a Thing for a Bank

If you thought one Kubernetes cluster was good, how about two? In sync, running in different cities, for a bank! Gabe and Mitchell also give their takes on some recent licensing changes in the DevOps world. Current Events HashiCorp Licensing Change Blog Post HashiCorp Licensing FAQ OpenTF Foundation Kubernetes 1.28 Released Main Topic MariaDB Galera Cluster NATS Crossplane Kubebuilder Prometheus Stack Music from Fesliyan Studios

3: Kubernetes
Ep. 03

3: Kubernetes

Gabe and Mitchell discuss Kubernetes and containers. Updates Podcast as Code Discord Main Topic Kubernetes Docker Ephemeral Containers Guide K3s Tools K9s Stern MetalLB Netshoot Cert-manager Ingress-nginx External-dns Crossplane Helm Kubebuilder Music from Fesliyan Studios

2: Monitoring
Ep. 02

2: Monitoring

Gabe and Mitchell discuss monitoring, observability, and alerting. Current Events Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Graduation of CRI-O Cloud Native Computing Foundation Projects List Updates GitOps Terraform Controller Crossplane Four Golden Signals Monitoring Distributed Systems The RED Method: key metrics for microservices architecture The USE Method Tools Prometheus Grafana Chaos Monkey Music from Fesliyan Studios

1: GitOps
Ep. 01

1: GitOps

Gabe and Mitchell introduce themselves, talk about current events, and discuss GitOps methodologies and tools. Current Events Rocky Linux blog post about RHEL licensing GitLab outage post-mortem (Old) GitLab database loss GitOps FluxCD ArgoCD Weave GitOps Rancher Fleet Music from Fesliyan Studios

0: Trailer

0: Trailer

Welcome to Podcast as Code! This is a show about the operations side of the Software Development Lifecycle. The hosts discuss things like DevOps, Kubernetes, Infrastructure as Code, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, and GitOps.